
Future Through

As a diverse team, we collaborate across Africa, blending design, research, and technology to create tangible, positive societal change.




We are a research and development lab innovating for social impact. We collaborate with global stakeholders to explore the application of technology to solve Africa’s systemic problems in Public Health, Education, Governance and the Private Sector.

We design for humans

At the heart of all our endeavors it’s people who inspire us. We don't just create for our users; we co-create alongside them. From nurturing concepts to experimenting with and refining solutions, people are our invaluable partners. Guided by our iterative and human-centered design process, we approach challenges as opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

We create change

At the heart of all our endeavors it’s people who inspire us. We don't just create for our users; we co-create alongside them. From nurturing concepts to experimenting with and refining solutions, people are our invaluable partners. Guided by our iterative and human-centered design process, we approach challenges as opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

We believe in partnerships

Collaboration is a fundamental driver of design and innovation. Our unwavering commitment to collaboration is evident through our extensive network of global stakeholders and partners. Together, we embark on impactful design ventures that address substantial social and business challenges on a grand scale.

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